

%CNXMAN,  Quorum lost, blocking activity
%CNXMAN,  Quorum regained, resuming activity
%SYSINIT-I- PAGEFILE.SYS not found - system initialization continuing...
%SYSINIT-I- SYSDUMP.DMP not found - system initialization continuing...
%PKB0, Copyright (c) 1998 IntraServer Technology Inc. PKW V2.1.21 ROM V2.0
%PKB0, SCSI Chip is SYM53C875, Operating mode is SE Ultra SCSI
%PKD0, Copyright (c) 1998 IntraServer Technology Inc. PKW V2.1.21 ROM V2.0
%PKD0, SCSI Chip is SYM53C895, Operating mode is SE Ultra SCSI
%MSCPLOAD-I-CONFIGSCAN, enabled automatic disk serving
%SYSINIT-E- error mounting system device, status = 0072832C
**** OpenVMS (TM) Alpha Operating System V7.3-2   - BUGCHECK ****
** Bugcheck code = 0000036C: PROCGONE, Process not in system
** Crash CPU: 00    Primary CPU: 00    Active CPUs: 0000000F
** Current Process = SYSINIT
** Current PSB ID = 00000001
** Image Name = SYSINIT.EXE
**** Starting compressed selective memory dump at  9-APR-2005 06:16...
** Dumping memory to device #01 in the DUMP_DEV environment variable
** System space, key processes, and key global pages have been dumped.
** Now dumping remaining processes and global pages... ...Complete
halted CPU 0
halt code = 5 HALT instruction executed PC = ffffffff800b64cc resetting all I/O buses

Boot der CD ebenfalls nicht möglich


Weil die Boot Server 16GB Memory haben dauert der Memorytest bei jedem INIT und Reboot eine halbe Ewigkeit. Was macht man da? Man ändert die SRM Variable (Console Variable) set memory_test partial anstelle von FULL.
Dann ging der Boot Vorgang sehr zügig. Sobald man versuchte zu booten crashte das System, egal ob man von der CD oder Disk bootete.
Die SRM Variable memory_test muss auf Full stehen, Partial und none sind nicht supported.

Weitere Informationen

initializing HWRPB at 2000
initializing page table at 3fb54000
initializing machine state
setting affinity to the primary CPU
jumping to bootstrap code
* Exception taken before exception handler has been loaded! *
* Unable to take crash dump!                                *
Access control violation through vector 00000080
R00: 00000000 00000000    R01: 00000000 00007800    R02: 00000000 0001F200
R03: 00000080 00002260    R04: 00000000 106E8000    R05: 00000000 00000000
R06: 00000000 00000001    R07: 00000000 10000E00    R08: 00000000 10000E58
R09: 00000000 00000000    R10: 00000000 00000000    R11: 00000000 00000000 
R12: 00000008 000000F0    R13: 00000801 A0000000    R14: 00000000 00000000
R15: 00000000 0000FF00    R16: 00000000 10000E00    R17: 00000003 FFFFFFFC
R18: 00000000 00000000    R19: FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF    R20: 00000003 FFFFFFFE
R21: 00000003 FFFFFFFF    R22: 00000003 FFFF8800    R23: 00000000 00007800
R24: 00000000 106E8000    R25: 00000000 000077FD   R26: 00000000 00000001
R27: 00000000 00000260    R28: FFFFFFFF 80004004    R29: 00000000 200D3F20
R30: 200D3EC0:   00000000 00000001   
Saved R02      200D3EC8:   00000001 0066FFE1   
Saved R03      200D3ED0:   00000000 00015FD0   
Saved R04      200D3ED8:   00000000 00016A94   
Saved R05      200D3EE0:   00000000 00000000   
Saved R06      200D3EE8:   00000000 10000E00   
Saved R07      200D3EF0:   00000000 000213D0   
Exception PC   200D3EF8:   20000000 00001F00   
Exception PS
halted CPU 0
halt code = 5
HALT instruction executed PC = 1f330          
boot failure

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