Dieser Artikel widmet sich Überlegungen zum Nonpaged Pool von OpenVMS.
- Ein schlecht getunter Nonpaged Pool kann eine OpenVMS Maschine zum crashen bringen.
- Die Idee ein Modparams File nach einer Migration von Alpha auf Itanium unverändert zu übernehmen ist nicht empfehlenswert. Man kann dies als Initiallösung tun, muss aber diverse Systemparameter länger Zeit im Auge behalten. Dazu gehört auch der Nonpaged Pool.
Wie findet man einen schlecht getunten nonpaged Pool
$ sho mem/pool/full
System Memory Resources on 16-APR-2013 14:50:16.93
Nonpaged Dynamic Memory (Lists + Variable)
Current Size (MB) 448.34 Current Size (Pagelets) 918208
Initial Size (MB) 381.46 Initial Size (Pagelets) 781248
Maximum Size (MB) 837.46 Maximum Size (Pagelets) 1715136
Free Space (MB) 217.98 Space in Use (MB) 230.36
Largest Var Block (KB) 248.68 Smallest Var Block (bytes) 64
Number of Free Blocks 1265409 Free Blocks LEQU 64 bytes 23
Free Blocks on Lookasides 1265362 Lookaside Space (MB) 217.71
Der Current Size ist grösser als der Initial Size.
Sobald der Current Size den Maximum Size erreicht hat und verlangt das Betriebssystem eine weitere Vergrösserung des Pools, dann crashd der Rechner mit CLUEXIT
System Dump Ananlyzer
Der System Dump Analyzer bietet zum einen die gleiche Information wie SHOW MEMORY/POOL/FULL. Andererseits gibt es weitere sehr hilfreiche Informationen.
OpenVMS system analyzer
Memory Management Statistics:
Pagefaults: Non-Paged Pool:
Total Page Faults 3287535151 Successful Expansions 536
Total Page Reads 419438288 Unsuccessful Expansions 0
I/O's to read Pages 195406565 Failed Pages Accumulator 0
Modified Pages Written 0 Total Alloc Requests 15321026
I/O's to write Mod Pages 0 Failed Alloc Requests 0
Demand Zero Faults 745045205
Global Valid Faults 534688679 Paged Pool:
Modified Faults 102274434 Total Failures 0
Read Faults 0 Failed Pages Accumulator 0
Execute Faults 584697232 Total Alloc Requests 16278257
Failed Alloc Requests 0
Direct I/O 1986419668 Cur Mapped Gbl Sections 2602
Buffered I/O 3095026379 Max Mapped Gbl Sections 2602
Split I/O 5748900 Cur Mapped Gbl Pages 144085
Hits 3658254105 Max Mapped Gbl Pages 144127
Logical Name Transl 1938647814 Maximum Processes 572
Dead Page Table Scans 0 Sched Zero Pages Created 0
Memory Management Statistics:
Distributed Lock Manager: Local Incoming Outgoing
$ENQ New Lock Requests 1650670150 2066765251 2589902047
$ENQ Conversion Requests 4073603747 3998821018 3820023395
$DEQ Dequeue Requests 1272287495 2055099145 2589130012
Blocking ASTs 2732191107 345838 2218941
Directory Functions 681296125 3364452554
Deadlock Messages 15919 15962
$ENQ Requests that Wait 1974853665 Deadlock Searches Performed 41147
$ENQ Requests not Queued 416953573 Deadlocks Found 10810
Memory Management Statistics:
File System Cache: Current SYSGEN Param Hits Misses Hitrate
File Header Cache (ACP_HDRCACHE = 3000) 277414521 48136539 85.2%
Storage Bitmap Cache (ACP_MAPCACHE = 420) 1205126 94103 92.8%
Directory Data Cache (ACP_DIRCACHE = 1500) 2685167574 91613448 96.7%
Directory LRU (ACP_DINDXCACHE= 420) 2507125122 7901753 99.7%
FID Cache (ACP_FIDCACHE = 64) 20861862 168805 99.2%
Extent Cache (ACP_EXTCACHE = 64) 41489342 259516 99.4%
Quota Cache (ACP_QUOCACHE = 700) 0 0 0.0%
Volume Synch Locks 45323807 Window Turns 363775008
Volume Synch Locks Wait 25804 Currently Open Files 126708
Dir/File Synch Locks 727076257 Total Count of OPENs *******
Dir/file Synch Locks Wait 145302586 Total Count of ERASE QIOs 1
Access Locks 3754767557
Free Space Cache Wait 449316971
Global Pagefile Quota 9998268 GBLPAGFIL (SYSGEN) Limit 10000000
Paging File Usage (blocks):
Swapfile (Index 1) Device DGA6447:
Free Blocks 1499904 Bitmap FFFFFFFF.6F8C4008
Total Size (blocks) 1499904 Flags inited,swap_file
Total Write Count 0 Total Read Count 0
Smallest Chunk (pages) 93744 Largest Chunk (pages) 93744
Chunks GEQ 64 Pages 1 Chunks LT 64 Pages 0
Pagefile (Index 251) Device DGA6447:
Free Blocks 8399872 Bitmap FFFFFFF2.82738008
Total Size (blocks) 8399872 Flags inited
Total Write Count 0 Total Read Count 0
Smallest Chunk (pages) 712 Largest Chunk (pages) 524280
Chunks GEQ 64 Pages 2 Chunks LT 64 Pages 0
Pagefile (Index 252) Device DGA6447:
PFL Address FFFFFFFF.90B2B340 UCB Address FFFFFFFF.90A4CA00
Free Blocks 8399872 Bitmap FFFFFFF2.82752008
Total Size (blocks) 8399872 Flags inited
Total Write Count 0 Total Read Count 0
Smallest Chunk (pages) 712 Largest Chunk (pages) 524280
Chunks GEQ 64 Pages 2 Chunks LT 64 Pages 0
Pagefile (Index 253) Device DGA6447:
PFL Address FFFFFFFF.90B29C80 UCB Address FFFFFFFF.90A4CA00
Free Blocks 8399872 Bitmap FFFFFFF2.82816008
Total Size (blocks) 8399872 Flags inited
Total Write Count 0 Total Read Count 0
Smallest Chunk (pages) 712 Largest Chunk (pages) 524280
Chunks GEQ 64 Pages 2 Chunks LT 64 Pages 0
Pagefile (Index 254) Device DGA6447:
Free Blocks 8399872 Bitmap FFFFFFFF.6F8C8008
Total Size (blocks) 8399872 Flags inited
Total Write Count 0 Total Read Count 0
Smallest Chunk (pages) 712 Largest Chunk (pages) 524280
Chunks GEQ 64 Pages 2 Chunks LT 64 Pages 0
Summary: 4 Pagefiles and 1 Swapfile installed
Total Size of all Swap Files: 1499904 blocks
Total Size of all Paging Files: 33599488 blocks
Total Committed Paging File Usage: 57767312 blocks